And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony…

Revelation 12:11

Recent Testimonies

Hear from people from all walks of life as they share their journeys of hope, redemption, and restoration found in Jesus.

Ashley and Colby

Affair, Divorce and God’s Restoration

This is a story of how God intervened in a marriage that was totally destroyed, burned down, and was able to restore it beautifully through surrendering to Jesus and following His voice.


Jesus Healed Fibromyalgia, Borderline Personality Disorder, PTSD & 23-Year Addiction

Leslie was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Borderline Personality Disorder, PTSD, Anxiety Disorder, Bipolar, Schizophrenia. She was on 16 different medications and was given no hope from the doctors. Through a series of divine interventions with Jesus, she was completely set free and delivered from 23-year meth addiction, all of her diagnosis, and got off all medications. She learned the keys to not only to receiving healing but keeping her healing through the relationship with the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, knowing her authority as a believer, and being surrounded by the community of believers. Now she is impacting many lives by spreading hope and victory in Jesus Christ.


Healed from an Autoimmune Disorder

Sensory Processing Disorder, anxiety, speech delays, vocal, and motor tics, sleep disturbances, compulsive disorder, autism – these are the labels that her 4-year-old son would have received had she not found out about PANDAS – Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. Refusing to take antibiotics and receive the diagnosis, standing on God’s Word and taking her authority as a believer in Jesus Christ she saw miraculous healing in her son.


Exotic Dancer Meets Jesus | From Crack House to Castle

One day she caught her husband with a prostitute at their own house. She was kicked out and rescued by a godly couple from the life of drugs, the sex industry, exotic dancer, and gangs. Being surrounded by godly people and wisdom Jesus redeemed and transformed her life. Now Sharee ministers and helped incarcerated women (Dignity in Grace) and owns a boutique (Boutique West) that is now funding the future transition home and employing women out of prison. God also sent and blessed her with an amazing godly husband who wants to show her every day what’s it is like to be loved as Christ loves her.

Hi! We are Anna and Joe

I was born to a Buddhist mother and an Atheist father. Throughout my life, I have always been on a quest for truth and understanding. In my journey, I explored various religions, delved into new age practices, experimented with yoga, and sought spiritual fulfillment in many forms. Ultimately, I discovered my salvation and true purpose in Jesus Christ. In 2021, I was incredibly blessed to be on set for the TV show “The Chosen,” specifically during the powerful Sermon on the Mount episode in Seasons 2 and 3.

I met my husband online and he was one of the first to pray for me. He grew up catholic but left his faith when he was young. A powerful visitation from Jesus one night changed his life forever.

We are on a mission to bring hope to everyone listening through the power of the testimony.


These bootcamps will equip you spiritually and teach you about the foundations of our faith, our authority as a believer, keys to healing and many more.


Believer’s Authority

Who He says we are & how to walk out that authority every day


Foundations of Faith

What every Christian should know about their faith & why


Roots and Fruit

Ridding yourself of those roots that cause negativity in your life

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